星期五, 10月 23, 2009

Children day

Today children day...???!!!I dont think so...y so sienzz leh...this year d children day!!!
Then larh...In my class la...!!!I think my beg is the smallest in my class lolzzzz...!!!
Stay at the hall lo...!!!Singing performance...sienzz...!!!
Go bac to class...Wong Be Yong bo teach...
Play lolzzz...This year d children day juz give us 5 packet d junk food...!!!
Go die la...!!!
So bo siok...!!!XD:]
But today rely got on the air-con la...!!!
This is the happiest thing nia lo...!!!

Go home...online...!!!
Then I...ZZZZzzzzzz...lolzzz....

Wake up n watch movie...then online again..!!
At night watch movie until 11p.m. dio go sleep le lolzzzz...

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