星期五, 2月 19, 2010

Ann's wedding dinner

Today go back Kedah lol...
I macam pig lo...In the car sleep...
Reach Kedah oso sleep...!!!Wahaha...We reach there nia...Shuling they all go saloon to make up liao...
We stay at home...erh...about 7.00p.m. we all reach behind Sentosa d restaurant...
Chien Yi...Chien Wah they all also reach there le....!!!They naughty...Always take photo...!!!

I sit wit Hoohoo...Kitkit...Khaishiang...Khaichoung...n bla bla bla...!!!
Before wedding start nia we all like siao kia... Talk n laugh oso we all the loudest...!!!

Wedding start le lo...!!!
The food si bek delicious...!!!HAhaxzzz....xD:]
After that hor...mE...Shuling...Hoohoo...Kitkit...Emily...Vinnie...Khaichoung and a lot a lot...
sing on the stage...DVD cannot run er...simply choose a song from CD nia...
HAha...We no do rehearsal...so very....#!$%^&*()...

My table everyone drink carlsberg...I the most clever...bo drink,,,drink SARSI...!!!
I want drink oso Hoohoo bo giv me drink d..!!!Coz he also no drink much...!!!

We all take a lot photo...!!!Nice memory...


